About Machina Pro Linguistica
About Machina Pro Linguistica
Travel and vacation make the world feel smaller. However, our inability to understand each other, even to speak the same language, hinders our efforts to share scientific and medical knowledge, to govern and conduct diplomacy

Human language technologies can help but they rely on language resources: dictionaries, grammars, texts and audio recordings that are absent or scarce for most of the world's 7000 languages. Machina Pro Linguistica is working to fix that problem.

You can help. Nearly all humans on the planet speak, read, understand or write at least one language qualifying them to contribute to this effort. In Machina Pro Linguistica there are activities from the very simple to the challenging that contribute to language resources that are then shared for research, education and technology development purposes.

The more you contribute, the more we understand about language, the better our research and technologies become, the closer we are to understanding each other.

Machina Pro Linguistica was developed by the Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1730377.